Jack's Magic The Filter Fiber Stuff 36 oz
-Safe alternative to DE in DE filters.
-Requires less than half the amount of product (by weight) than needed when using DE.
-Can be used to enhance the filtering performance of sand and cartridge filters as well.
-Non-toxic; safe to handle and store.
-Can be back-washed safely as it is biodegradable.
-The first few filter runs may actually be shorter, due to the filtration of much finer particles.
-Extends filter runs, reduces filter clogging, and results in sparkling clear water.
Dosage: DE Filters-1 DE scoop of fiber per 12 sq ft of filter area. Cartridge Filters-3 ounces (by weight) per 25 sq feet of filter area. Sand Filter- add 3 ounces (by weight) at a time, with a maximum addition of 9 ounces (by weight).