Now that fall is finally upon us, leaves will start raining down on your backyard pool. As beautiful as the changing seasons can be, digging these leaves out of your pool can be a real pain in the neck. You don’t want to spend hours fishing for leaves by hand with a pool skimmer, but, if you leave the leaves where they are, they could clog your pool pump or vacuum.
Most pool pumps and vacuums are designed to suck up small pieces of debris like dirt and dust. Too many thick wet leaves can tarnish your pool system, getting stuck in all kinds of odd places. To avoid this headache, you have a few options to choose from. Use these tips to clean up pool leaves the smart way without clogging up your system.
Keep Your Pool Covered
Even if you still plan on taking a swim before you close your pool down for the winter, it’s best to keep it covered during the fall season. This way, you don’t have to worry about leaves falling into the water or clogging up your system. Dealing with leaves outside of the pool is always easier than taking them out of the pool. You can quickly clean up the leaves, draw back the cover, and take a dip instead of having to fish them out one by one.
Use a Leaf Blower to Move the Leaves Around
Once you have your pool covered,
leaves will start piling up on top of the cover. An easy way to deal with this
problem is to use a leaf blower to move them off your pool cover, so they end
up back on the ground where they belong. Now you can quickly shred these leaves
with your lawnmower or rake them up the old-fashioned way—but this only applies
if the leaves are dry. You can either wait for the leaves to dry or use a water
pump to suck up the soggy mess.
Don’t make the mistake of raking up leaves when they’re still on your pool cover. You should never use sharp objects near your pool cover or you could rip a hole in the lining, rendering your cover useless. If the leaves are dry, you can push them off the side if you don’t have a leaf blower. You can also use an air pillow to raise the middle of your pool cover and keep it slanted down to the edges, making it easier to pick up the leaves in a matter of seconds. You also won’t have to worry about the leaves sinking into a dip in the pool cover.
Invest in a Pool Leaf Catcher or Net
If you cover your pool, you can also
use a pool leaf catcher to quickly pick up all the leaves
on top of your pool. Usually made from mesh lining, these leaf catchers sit on top
of your pool cover. When you’re ready to clean up the leaves, all you have to
do is pull the mesh cover off the pool, dump out the leaves, and you’re good to
go. Like a giant collection plate, the leaf catcher does all the hard work for
you. You can quickly throw the leaves away or mulch them in your yard.
Suck Leaves Up with a Pool Leaf Vacuum
If you insist on keeping your pool uncovered and exposed to the elements, you can always invest in a pool leaf vacuum. These devices make it easy to suck up all the leaves in your pool without clogging your pool filter or vacuum. They’re also much less expensive than traditional pool vacuums, so you don’t have to worry about spending a lot of money.
These giant plastic cups suck up all the surface water of your pool, collecting all the leaves, and then they release the clean water back into the system. Once the vacuum has done its job, you’ll have a large cup full of wet leaves that you can dispose of in seconds. This means no more fishing for leaves and more time having fun in the pool.
These inexpensive accessories take the stress out of pool maintenance. If you’re still using a pool skimmer to fish for leaves by hand, you’re wasting precious time. You have better things to do than wait on the pool deck for a leaf to float to the edge. Simplify your leaf problem and get one of these pool accessories today.